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Faith, hops and love. 

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Jun 7, 2024

The sad news of the passing of Professor Jürgen Moltmann prompted us to revisit the richness of his thought and the gracious wisdom of his style with this interview from 2013. 


Jurgen Moltmann on Beer Christianity


From concerns that are very much of the time (the New Atheism and its influence) to issues that are more relevant now than then (the need...

Aug 11, 2023

Alex Clare-Young (pronouns: they/them) is a minister in the United Reformed Church, with a passion for Scripture, inclusion and social justice. They identify as Jesus-follower, trans and non-binary.

What does someone with identities so regularly weaponised by culture warriors actually think about Scripture, the Church...

Sep 5, 2022

Beer Christianity recording at GreenbeltWhat are the five stages of the spiritual life (as identified by Brian McLaren)? Do we dilute the Gospel by starting with the bad news? And have you ever peed on a frog?

These important questions all come up in this, our second episode from Greenbelt festival 2022.

Greenbelt was wonderful this year. You should go to the...

Dec 2, 2021

What do you consider to be the definition of a Christian?

Beer Christianity - what do real Christians believeJonty talks ponders the dangers in making statements about what 'Christians believe' and the foolishness of pretending that there is only one type of Christian (or one way of being a Christian).  He also ponders the orb.

But if there are many ways to follow...

Oct 12, 2021

Beer Christianity baptism If baptism means dying to sin, what does sin mean for progressives? And how is our treatment of people we deem sinful any different from the judgemental Christians we don't want to be?

Jonty meditates on this as well as the TV dramas The North Water and Midnight Mass.

About Beer Christianity

Beer Christianity is a...